Author Archives: Luke Morningstar

Ignore/Accept Them

Their gaze is an illusion That slices open our souls Picking out the threads Of unfashionable colors. You carved out psychic knives That travel between windows To slice into nerves Only when we fear them. A barbed electric lasso Singing through the air Teaches the problems Of having just enough rope. The windows only open […]


Right across the street, a monster coils. Green ichor, the ooze of ancient, rotten plants clings to her carbon and iron skeleton. She snores and wheezes, mostly. Occasionally, eyelids crack open, eyes try to see and not be disturbed, the head lifts quickly, a bolt of tongue and teeth and the thunder of metal. Another […]

Genesis, Chapter 27

Old Worlds Isaac’s other years stretch as he continued to live honestly and quietly with God. He did not record the lessons he learned. He did not speak to his people, not even his sons, about his insights and the power honesty and brought him. These things just weren’t done in these days. Men talked […]

Human Fundamentalism

I got into an argument with a (self proclaimed) Christian who didn’t want his holy books questioned. Does he think You fit in a book? I got into an argument with an (self proclaimed) Atheist who didn’t want his learned men questioned. Don’t they demand to be questioned? I’m finally starting to see why, no […]

Genesis, Chapter 26

Sins of the Father Once again famine strikes. Isaac must return to Gerar, and he realizes the promised land won’t be for him. Perhaps Esau, or his children. Isaac remembers the lie his father told to the new Abimelech’s father. He says, “Your Majesty, my house and I cannot thrive during a famine out there. […]

Genesis, Chapter 25

A Quiet Way The wheel of life turned, Abraham and Keturah passed out of life, as Rebekah and Isaac brought new life into the world. One night, deep in pregnancy, Rebekah had a dream. Two kings faced each other. One was large, covered in red hair and brown scars, a master of the land. The […]

Sending Sending Flooding

You sent that river dragon coiling under polished blue domes Whipping and lashing against the mountains and the brain stems of Jimtown. Drowning in mud while swimming against gravity Reverberating truth and minority gold Splashing windows across the rocks Lifting boulders off memories Until there’s no room to breath… You have your excuses But ultimately, […]


“You’d have better luck sneaking in and out of the Labyrinth,” Gregor says in his imperious tone. I shift into a less uncomfortable crouch and look up at him. “I’d have better luck if you’d help instead of chastising me with fairy stories.” “Fa-” he begins with a stammer, “fa-fairy stories?! The Labyrinth is a […]

Genesis, Chapter 24

A Quiet Way The wheel of life turned, Abraham and Keturah passed out of life, as Rebekah and Isaac brought new life into the world. One night, deep in pregnancy, Rebekah had a dream. Two kings faced each other. One was large, covered in red hair and brown scars, a master of the land. The […]

The White Tower

Up over the hills, overlooking the city, it’s been sitting there for a long time. It’s waiting, but I might just be imagining things. The doors have been sealed for ages. “Only the most intelligent and erudite may enter,” is what the sign says, in bold serif, etched into the white stone. Whatever those standards […]