Tag Archives: Adam

Genesis, Chapter 5

Generation Gaps Eve and Adam took turns trying to get power over the other, and since Adam got the upper hand more, he would tell anyone who would listen (which were many) and understand (which were few) that God clearly meant for man to rule. The first son also murdered the first daughter, so things […]

Genesis, Chapter 4

Sex and Human Ignorance Just talking and eating and sleeping quickly got boring. When they discovered pleasure with their own and each others bodies, they didn’t do anything else for a long time. After a few months, they noticed Eve’s belly was starting to grow larger: muscles, fat, and skin being stretched. Something was growing […]

Genesis, Chapter 3

The Team Grifter: Eve, aka “Life”; talked “The Serpent” into helping; fastest animal on two legs; hoping to use Knowledge to master Life. Scout: Adam, aka “God’s Son”; found the path to the tree; good with names; hoping to use Knowledge to master Humanity. Healer: Steve, aka “Embrace”; knew of the fruit of Knowledge; expert […]

Genesis, Chapter 2

A Second Genesis So, that’s one way to look at it. But there is not just one way of looking at anything, especially not the origins of the cosmos, of life, of God. Reality is too complex for there to only be one way to see, to live, to experience. Looking is frustratingly complex and […]