Tag Archives: Really Old Testament

Genesis, Chapter 3

The Team Grifter: Eve, aka “Life”; talked “The Serpent” into helping; fastest animal on two legs; hoping to use Knowledge to master Life. Scout: Adam, aka “God’s Son”; found the path to the tree; good with names; hoping to use Knowledge to master Humanity. Healer: Steve, aka “Embrace”; knew of the fruit of Knowledge; expert […]

Genesis, Chapter 2

A Second Genesis So, that’s one way to look at it. But there is not just one way of looking at anything, especially not the origins of the cosmos, of life, of God. Reality is too complex for there to only be one way to see, to live, to experience. Looking is frustratingly complex and […]

Genesis, Chapter 1

Before the beginning, there was everything. There was no division, no distinct particles. Spacetime, Energy, and Thought were one. Every possibility was happening, had happened, and was about to happen. Every experience was pleasure and pain. Nothing died that wasn’t immediately reborn; Time consisted of every moment happening in to time at all; everything was […]