Tag Archives: war

Ignore/Accept Them

Their gaze is an illusion That slices open our souls Picking out the threads Of unfashionable colors. You carved out psychic knives That travel between windows To slice into nerves Only when we fear them. A barbed electric lasso Singing through the air Teaches the problems Of having just enough rope. The windows only open […]

Genesis, Chapter 14

The First Wars Sarai roamed the fields and valleys and hills away from the cities. Lot sent messages, with increasing rarity, of his success and their prosperity. The cities grew larger, and the fields grew smaller. Lot traded his herds and household for a mansion in a city, and soon he was made mayor in […]

Genesis, Chapter 10

Generations The survivors of Noah grew in number, feeding off the land. Noah’s friends and children lived on with the bitterness she held at the end. Humans spread from Africa across the world, following their ancient kin. The climate continued to change, and the once vast savannas of the Sahara turned into endless dunes. The […]

Story of Patriotism

Nation birthday celebrations are strange. I’m not even going to get into the 4th dimensional aspects. Let’s stick with the moment. Most of them celebrate some symbolic or actual day when the nation gained it’s most recent identity. A few are picked out of the sky, or more likely a story. They all tell wonderful […]